Wednesday, 4 November 2015

I adore the raw happiness of the people I love...

I love this little piece Emily King wrote...

There really isn’t anything I adore more then to celebrate the raw happiness of the people I love. To just feel their presence as if it were the warmth of their soul holding yours. To see the familiar creases that fold gently beside their eyes when they smile and to hear their belly deep laugher grow into an uncontrollable uproar.  

To expose those pearly whites over the things they subconciously do, knowing they take their english breakfast brew with a dash of milk and one third of sugar, the sight of their matching flannelette jimmy jammers, tucked in each night, the never-ending phrases that catch on quicker than the common cold, understanding the importance of their tomato sauce to party pie ratio, enjoying the jingle of their gold bangles housed on their right wrist, relying on them to forever have their trusty tube of pawpaw for the sake of your own chapped lips, to just watch them, being their most natural selves, and to revel in the simple beauty of each other. It is so humbling to acknowledge the special people in your life, to accentuate their defining qualities and shed light on their unknown distinctiveness.

All i ask // tilt your mind set ever so slightly, re-focus your eyes and you too will see it. It needs not to be a celebration of grand significance to share love & thanks. I say hip hip hooray to those things that almost go unnoticed, memorialise your favourite humans habits, cast streamers and allow balloons to fly over the moments that make them, them. 

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